藝想台灣劇團於2011年由韓秉融創辦,期許傳承與延續傳統,找 回台灣逐漸失落的民間藝術,重新詮釋以親近各世代,不讓台灣傳統文化 就此消逝。 藝想之名來自於台灣這片土地,涵蓋著不同民族、文化、風俗與習性,孕 育出各種不同元素與底蘊,經由想像與藝術的結合,透過演員的體現來述 說臺灣的故事與呈現臺灣的藝術。
藝想台灣劇團一步一腳印以打造台灣百老匯的目標邁進,創團九 年於國內外累積超過上千場的演出實戰經驗,2015年更以台灣隊伍的姿 態,背負著觀眾及家人期許,參加北京衛視《造夢者》達人秀節目,從兩 百多支參賽隊伍中一舉拿下總冠軍,成為中國電視選秀史首次台灣冠軍隊 伍,近期2018-2021年連續三年獲選為『國立傳統藝術中心』宜蘭傳藝園區 年度大駐園表演團隊,藝想期許自己不是最好的,但一定要做最用心的, 以台灣人賭一口氣永不放棄的精神,持續深根台灣,放眼國際。
Fervor Troupe’s objective is to combine innovative flavors to traditional Taiwanese culture and believe Taiwan can appear in many different aspects to reveal a unique traditional Chinese aesthetics to the world.
Our performance uses modern dance aesthetics to experience Taiwan’s traditional performance culture in a relaxed as well as in-depth way. For example; the performance, “Guan jiang shou” was added with innovative dance moves and stunning costumes to reveal the connotation of Taiwanese culture in an intuition and in-depth way.
This performance uses a tour guide (storyteller) to lead the audience on a tour into the time and space behind the temple celebrations.
The scenes and easy-to-understand storyline allow both adults and children in the audience to quickly understand the plot. The actors' vivid storytelling is combined with festive Chinese music to evoke the feeling of a local temple celebration, filled with many surprises.
The theatrical performance acts as a new way of reading, bathing the viewers in a live multisensory experience that is an interplay of traditional and modern cultures. This allows the audience to experience temple festivities in a brand-new way by being exposed to a diverse performing arts culture that creates wonderful memories for parents and their children.
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